Can You Keep Raven As A Pet? Find Out
Raven is a type of corvid bird. It is a wild animal mostly found in Western and Northern America. On average, they are 75cm long. You will see Raven mostly in pairs or in flocks. Now the big question is can you keep Raven as a pet?
Raven For Pet
Ravens are one of the most intelligent creatures on planet Earth. An adult raven weighs around 1.75kg. Like other animals, they are very protective of their territories and can go to any extent to protect their area. They have great problem-solving abilities.
You should not even try to domesticate them otherwise they will turn violent. They have a unique ability to mimic humans or other birds’ voices. Ravens are scavengers and omnivores and eat insects, vegetables, fruits, meat, and seeds.
They look similar to a crow but are much larger like an eagle or a hawk. They have a curved beak and a thick neck. With their strong bite, they can break bones. They love to show their acrobatic skills and love to glide.

The average life span of a raven in the wild is between 10 to 15 years. Common Raven is considered the largest in this breed with a length of up to 26 inches and a wingspan of 150 cm.
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Ravens are migratory birds and are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Of 1918. You will need to take special permission from the US federal law to get ownership of ravens as it is illegal to keep a raven as a pet.
If they will come to know that you have kept a raven without permission you will be fined heavily and the raven will be confiscated. So now you know if you can have a raven as a pet?
Since the Raven is a migratory bird it travels for long distances so anyway it will get bored in your home and won’t survive for long. If you have kept a raven since its birth then it will remain loyal to you.
Raven as a pet is terrible. Their behavior is similar to crow, noisy, they keep banging the cage, gets angry always and since both are wild animals they should not be kept as pets. They prefer to live outdoors and fly long distances.
Raven Personality
You will not be attacked by a raven unless you go close to their nest. A flock of ravens is called unkindness but it is just a misconception that they bring ill fate. They are extremely intelligent and have a big brain.
Ravens are curious by nature, active and playful so if you keep them as a pet they will try to get into your belongings and misplace your invaluable belongings like jewelry. They need a lot of attention, time, and care so keeping them as a pet is a serious job.
They show a lot of empathy and if their friend loses a fight they will try to console him.
You need to gain their trust to make friends with them and that will happen gradually. They do what they want to do.

Types Of Raven
1.Common Raven-Largest Raven
2.White Necked Raven-Found in Africa
3.Fan Tailed Raven
4.Australian Raven
5.Brown Necked Raven
6.Thick Billed Raven-It is referred as Horn Of Africa.
7.Brown Necked Raven- They are around 55 cm in length and smaller than the common raven. They are found in Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and prefer to live in a desert area.
Ways To Be Friends With Raven
Well it is almost impossible to keep raven as a pet but if you are a raven lover there are ways you can be close to them.
1.Keep shiny objects
Ravens are known to be attracted to shiny objects so if you keep a shiny object in your garden or backyard it will catch their attention.
2.Safe Environment
If you want to be friends with a raven you need to provide them with a safe environment. Make sure you don’t have any of your pets in the garden otherwise they would feel threatened and won’t come near you. Remove things like a wheelbarrow that makes noise. Keep fake raven or other fake birds, this will give them confidence and they will think it is a safe place for them.
3.Feed them on specific time
Make sure you feed them with eggs or vegetables or fruits or seeds at the same time every day. If they will come to know that food is available for them in your garden they will come at the same time every day. But make sure you have trees in the garden. They will come down, pick the food, and will go back and sit on the trees.
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Tower Of London
You will see a flock of ravens every year at The Tower Of London. A lot of people come to see them. A raven master is appointed to take care of ravens.
White Necked Raven As A Pet
The white-necked raven is smaller in size than the raven. They are usually found in Southern Africa. White-necked ravens are not considered endangered species according to International Union For The Conservation Of Center and they don’t migrate to the US. So legally you can own them as per the Migratory Bird Act.
But there is a twist. They cannot be shipped to the US because of certain regulations.
The average life span of white raven is between 25-50 years.
Other Corvid Species
1.Western Jackdaw
3.Eurasian Jay
6.True Crow
7.Carrion Crow
8.Unicolor Jay
We can’t keep ravens as a pet but there are some interesting things about ravens which you should know.
Facts about Ravens
1.Ravens are smarter than dolphins.
2.They are audible even from a long distance.
3.They communicate to other other ravens through their beak to point an object like the way we show fingers.
4.You will find them in oceanic islands also.
5.Ravens distances themselves from their peer if they found him to be unfair.
6.They are good at future planning like apes and humans.
7.Ravens sound varies from gurgling croak to alarm calls.
8.They can make tools from wood.
9. They can count and are good in remembering faces.
10. Ravens can adapt easily to the climatic conditions and can live in desserts, snow, mountains, forest and anywhere.
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